##################################macros for what kid says (deprecated/deprecatable?) MACRO_MATTER~0 "Does it matter? I don't think it does." $KID fidgets. You can't blame them. You miss the luxury of that sort of impatience. MACRO_FAIR_WIN~-3 "I had you either way! Go, me!" MACRO_YAWN~-2 "Oh, a draw. Well, that was fast. We can play again." And why not? MACRO_NO_FAIR~-1 Sadly, $KID doesn't smile.\n\n"No fair! You missed an obvious block. I want to win fair and square! I'm not a baby any more. Geez."\n\n$KID looks hurt, then worried that might've hurt you. You do feel a bit silly. You commend $KID for being observant and mention adults lose their focus, too. MACRO_BLOCK_AGAIN~0 "Block again. I won't lose THAT easily." MACRO_OKAY_BLOCK~0 "Guess I have to block here." ##################################random kid names names Ashley,Blair,Casey,Dale,Em,Fran,Gab,Hil,Izzy,Jamie,Kit,Lee,Mel,Noel,Ollie,Pat,Robin,Sandy,Taylor,Val ##################################quit messages txtary quitmsg $KID looks a bit sad, but at least you tried. You guess. txtary quitmsg $KID seems to understand you have places to go, things to do and people to see. Well, two out of three ain't bad. They seem glad you paid them some attention. txtary quitmsg Walking away, you wonder if it would make the parting less awkward to say "I believe in you, kiddo. You can figure out all the other ways to win!" txtary quitmsg Your head was spinning from the possibilities. And yet, at the same time, you know there are only finitely many, so if $KID will figure things out with enough dedication. txtary quitmsg You were getting a bit sick of losing. Perhaps you were also upset you ran out of ways to lose creatively. But you think you did enough for $KID. txtary quitmsg You convince yourself $KID will figure the last way through, and that will impress their peers. You hope. txtary quitmsg Congratulations on helping $KID feel better, and I hope you enjoyed this! ##################################about-text array txtary about This was originally intended to be a 4-hour EctoComp game in 2019, but the scope was much too big. Plus I thought it was too abstract. Why bother? txtary about But games like Sandcastle Master, from the Text Adventure Literacy Jam at https://itch.io/jam/talp, stuck in my mind. It's a trip to the beach where an adult gives a kid a scavenger hunt to get peace and quiet. So I wondered, what else do adults do for kids that maybe kids realize later? txtary about And some of my favorite memories of being taught are people who helped me feel smarter than them. Looking back, of course, I realize how clever they were to frame things as they did. txtary about Also, as a chess player, I remember my fear of how bore draws might take the game over. Sometimes it felt like "best play" might ruin chess. Tic-tac-toe was obviously all about the draws, too, with "best play..." or was it? I enjoyed the what-if meta-games. txtary about I initially went ahead with this to make sure I kept my IFComp streak alive at 11. My other game had had roadblocks, and I was happy with this once I made it about more than some silly abstract kids' game. Then, of course, I had the idea for another short game. txtary about Along the way, I managed to learn about AI and minimax and that sort of thing, and I originally wrote the game without classes. So I rewrote it with classes and learned a lot. I used Pylint to clean up the code. I set a goal of under 1000 lines in the main program. I even used trivial markdown in wii.txt, for the kid's randomly-generated name and alternate board numberings. txtary about So I think the game stands well on its own, if it's not especially big. Maybe you'll be glad it doesn't drag on, and if you're playing this during IFComp, hopefully that will save your energy to try others. There will probably be a lot of entries. txtary about My email is blurglecruncheon@gmail.com if you want to contact me about bugs, features, or general stuff. ##################################basichelp-text array txtary basichelp Most of the time, you will usually just want to type a number from +0 to +8 inclusive to make a move. txtary basichelp There are meta-commands as well. They are divided into two groups. txtary basichelp I gives general information commands, and T toggles various options. txtary basichelp None of the commands is necessary to win the game, but some may add flavor or ease of play. ##################################option-text array txtary options You don't need to change any of these options to win the game. However, some may make it easier to view and process things. txtary options D cycles the display between X first, O first, you as X, and $KID as X. You can also use D1 to D4. txtary options G toggles the grid display when showing the board. txtary options H or M toggles whether or not the current game history is displayed above the board. txtary options N toggles whether square numbers are shown in the grid or not. txtary options O (one) puts 1 in the upper left. Z (zero) puts 0. (012/123 would be the top row, 678/789 the bottom.) # toggles them, too. txtary options R toggles screen reader mode, though you probably want to keep it fixed. ##################################meta-text array txtary meta Some meta-commands give information about the game state. You don't need them to win, but they can provide clues. txtary meta A is a general ABOUT, and C is CREDITS. txtary meta L or W or S (Losses, Wins, Scores) shows your progress, i.e. $KID's wins. txtary meta Q quits and disappoints $KID, though you need to type it twice, so you don't do so by accident. txtary meta X examines the tic-tac-toe game $KID was playing alone, which may or may not be a useful or spoilery hint. txtary meta V or ? views possible commands. ##################################credits-text array txtary credits Thanks to my testers: A. DiBianca, Andy Joel, Mike Russo. #txtary credits Placeholder: thanks to people who found bugs and suggested features once the game was released: . txtary credits Thanks to people on various discord servers for general game talk: PunyInform, Adventuron, and the 6502 workshop. It helped when I was stuck with things. txtary credits I did some research for this. Not a lot, but enough to mention people who've helped me without knowing it. txtary credits Thanks to Clederson Cruz for the tic tac toe minimax code: https://github.com/Cledersonbc/tic-tac-toe-minimax/issues txtary credits Thanks to stackoverflow for helping me with so much cool coding stuff, enough so I would be confident writing a Python text adventure. txtary credits And thanks to everyone who's been even moderately successful with a homebrew IFComp entry. It all gave me the confidence to try a project in something other than Inform or Twine. ##################################introduction text array txtary intro The book on the four-color theorem isn't online, and it's in the research collection at the main library branch, so you'll have to make a trip. That's okay--the weather's been nice. It's a short train ride and walk. Walking past a park just blocks from the library, you see kids playing ball and yelling. But one kid is to the side, staring at a tic-tac-toe game in chalk on the pavement. txtary intro You think back to all the draws you played as a kid. Against other kids. Just glad you never lost. It beat the heck out of more physical activities, where you outright lost. But then the draws got boring. At least you've kept in shape over the years ... though you haven't been in any physical contests for a while. Or wanted to be. Seeing that kid reminds you of something, though. txtary intro It reminds you of the day you finally won a game. Against another kid who missed something. It didn't feel as good as you hoped, and you didn't know why. You wanted to win and feel clever about it, but you never quite did. The wish felt greedy. txtary intro You introduce yourselves and exchange names. $KID looks up at you. "Would you like to play?" txtary intro Why not? You sit down to play with $KID. You have a faint memory, of one kid taunting another that their position was hopeless. The game itself wasn't important... but you wish you could remember... txtary intro You're pretty confident you'll figure it out, though. There can only be so many possible unique games of Tic-Tac-Toe. There's enough space on the sidewalk for as many as you need. txtary intro You think back to what you would've wanted as a kid. You remember how adults let you win at certain games, but it was too obvious, and you were almost mad at them. Or you'd win at a game of luck and they'd say "Oh, you found your game," but you knew the truth. txtary intro Maybe you can put your finger on what you wanted and what $KID wants now. Maybe figuring things out will be a win of sorts for you. ##################################old game text array txtary examine You look at the game $KID was playing. It's only partially finished. txtary examine X| |O\n-+-+-\n |O|\n-+-+-\nX| |X txtary examine You think you see what's going to happen there, and you also think you can see more or less how the position came about. ##################################winhope messages by order txtary winning_move_act "Umm ... I think this wins. I hope." txtary winning_move_act $KID nods slightly, pauses, nods again, and moves. txtary winning_move_act $KID points at a few squares, then moves. txtary winning_move_act $KID makes the big move a little more confidently than last time. txtary winning_move_act $KID shoots their hand forward to move almost immediately. txtary winning_move_act $KID almost knocks your hand away with their move. ##################################win messages by order txtary win_progress $KID can't help making a small show. A few other kids look up from playing ball and stop by. Not NEEDING a break, of course, just curious. They ask $KID to replay the win. $KID obliges. txtary win_progress A few more kids stop by. You don't need to provide a replay this time. The initial crowd is glad to relate what happened. txtary win_progress There are still enough kids for several games in the background. But more are gathering, impressed at this new hero they didn't take much notice of before. You hear a brief argument about whether to cheer $KID on or keep quiet to help them focus. txtary win_progress This time, the crowd cheers a bit after your latest loss. Everyone wonders how much is left. Some still can't believe $KID managed to win so convincingly going second! More kids stop by. txtary win_progress Someone in the crowd whines, "How much more is there going to BE, anyway?" The kids around shush. You assure everyone there's just one more big win. A few kids groan. Others call their friends for the finale, because it might be over soon. txtary win_progress $KID jumps up. You mention, yes, that's the last of the ways to win. Others surround $KID, asking "how'd you do it?" and so forth. A few come up to you and ask if you'd be willing to lose like that again. You gently explain that your friend was in the right place at the right time, but if they are lucky, the tic-tac-toe champ may be kind enough to show how it's done, or maybe let special friends try, in the near future. But not right now! It's just be a memory exercise.\nYour friend is mobbed and invited to the game. You make your way to the library. The book you wanted is a bit dry, and it's also short on detail. You could use, well, a big sidewalk and chalk to look at some of the cases. But you get through it -- taking breaks to look over the park. As everyone leaves, you notice $KID's orange t-shirt in the crowd. It's pretty clear.\n\nYou think back to other games you always wondered about on the way home. That night you learn about Bridge-It or Connect Four. You even brave the intricacies of Nim and, even more dauntingly, Wythoff's Nim.\n\nYou're sure there's more. You're also sure you'd not have thought of them without running into your friend. What else will you think of looking into that you forgot? ##################################usage messages. Why not put them here? txtary usage You probably typed an invalid parameter. wii.py doesn't need parameters except for testing. txtary usage Here's what can be activated. txtary usage FOR PLAYTESTERS: txtary usage l = log for testing. l=FILE.TXT appends to FILE.TXT. Default is logfile.log. (playtester stuff) txtary usage FOR PROGRAMMING: txtary usage t = test rotations, c = check needed branches, a = all rotations of a certain #. (programmer testing) txtary usage BOTH: txtary usage d/v = debug/verbose output. (both) ##################################win detail messages winver first-already-first But sadly, $KID doesn't look very happy. It didn't feel new, because it wasn't. A win is a win, but that was the same win as before. winver first-already-second But sadly, $KID looks ... polite. Composed. Despite winning without going first. Because it'd already been done. winver exact-position-before You're a bit surprised when $KID proclaims they already won from this exact position, so it really shouldn't count. Impressive insight! winver rotation-before You're a bit surprised when $KID starts mentioning how this win LOOKED sort of like another one, so they're not sure if it should count. You undo the last couple moves and rotate and flip the board in your head, and yeah, you have to agree. winver shift-side-to-corner But you hammer out a bargain. Since you going first in the corner is probably tougher to beat than you going first on the side, and you recall that one game COULD'VE transposed with you starting in the corner, you count it as such. $KID nods, understanding, you think. winver shift-one-side-to-win But wait. $KID managed to win more than one way when you started from the side. You both agree it's okay to say, okay, $KID's now won when you've started in the corner or the side. ##################################win messages by start type msg-type 1 1 You congratulate $KID on what is probably the toughest way to win. You took the center first, and somehow they pulled it out! msg-type 1 2 "Wow! I feel good about that. But I guess I had to take the center there eventually to win." You both poke at other possibilities for a bit and realize that if you take a corner first, then they take an adjacent one, and you take the square between, they can win by taking the corner opposite your first move, then the other corner. But then $KID sees the classic tic-tac-toe win where your second move was in the opposite corner.\n\nIf you want notation, that little offhand game went +0-+2-+1-+8-+5-+6. msg-type 1 3 "Well, you sort of wasted your first move," $KID says. "I mean ... well ... you know. I think. I hope." You do. But they still did well, and you let them know. msg-type 2 1 $KID shrugs a bit, wondering if they really deserved it. Starting in the center was probably the easiest way to win. But you brush off their concerns and commend them for recognizing that was the easiest way through and wanting more. msg-type 2 2 $KID fingers the latest game's moves in the order you both played, reliving their latest moment of glory. msg-type 2 3 $KID seems slightly blown away that they could win by taking the side square first. #current binary number, where to place, text 3 4 0 "Wow! I get the center!" #1 4 0 "Wow! I get the center!" 1 4 0 "Might be big trouble if I don't take the center either." 1494 8 0 "I already have a threat." 16803 4 0 "Someone finally took the center." 81 0 0 "Whoah! Gonna be tough to win now you took the center!" 166 2 0 "OK, I'll block. Now you block." 211 6 MACRO_NO_FAIR 427,453 6 MACRO_NO_FAIR 913 3 MACRO_BLOCK_AGAIN 1210 7 0 "Doesn't make a difference, does it?" 12145 -1 MACRO_YAWN 3154 5 MACRO_NO_FAIR 7528 7 MACRO_BLOCK_AGAIN 2371 6 MACRO_NO_FAIR 6745 6 MACRO_NO_FAIR 172 1 0 "OK, I'll block." 205 7 MACRO_NO_FAIR 907 7 MACRO_NO_FAIR 2365 3 0 "Didn't threaten anything but okay..." 2662 8 MACRO_BLOCK_AGAIN 3148 5 MACRO_NO_FAIR 8980 5 MACRO_NO_FAIR 451 6 MACRO_NO_FAIR 406 8 0 "Ho hum. Block me, I guess." 13531 2 MACRO_OKAY_BLOCK 13555 6 MACRO_OKAY_BLOCK 15022 7 MACRO_FAIR_WIN 14257 3 MACRO_OKAY_BLOCK #1153 3 MACRO_OKAY_BLOCK #2611 6 MACRO_NO_FAIR 439,1141 7 MACRO_NO_FAIR 2599 6 -1 "Long as I don't play that side square..." 6973 7 MACRO_NO_FAIR 6724 1 0 "I know that one! I'm not playing the corner." 6757,7459 7 MACRO_NO_FAIR 8917 6 0 "Okay, I block." 10384 5 0 "I block." 10402,10618 2 MACRO_NO_FAIR 192 0 0 "No, I'm not playing the opposite corner!" 6755 6 0 "You better block again!" 8222 5 0 "Block you back." 10895 -1 MACRO_YAWN 8456 2 MACRO_NO_FAIR 10400 2 MACRO_NO_FAIR 1381 3 MACRO_NO_FAIR 1407 0 MACRO_OKAY_BLOCK 3596 8 MACRO_OKAY_BLOCK 16727 -1 MACRO_YAWN 7970 2 0 "Doesn't matter, does it?" 10175 -1 MACRO_YAWN 3567 3 MACRO_NO_FAIR 2352 3 0 "You're on the defensive already!" 2649 0 0 (Silence) 2660 6 -1 "That's just silly! You have to TRY. Even though it won't HELP..." 3380 8 -3 "Wow! I did it!" 9212 6 -3 "Wow! I did it!" 10679 -1 MACRO_YAWN 1145 8 MACRO_NO_FAIR 2603 8 MACRO_NO_FAIR 14538 0 MACRO_NO_FAIR 16722 0 MACRO_NO_FAIR 2397 6 MACRO_NO_FAIR 6977 3 -1 "No fair! I shouldn't lose like that. There's a bug." 14536 1 -1 "No fair! I shouldn't lose like that. There's a bug." 9686 1 -1 "No fair! I shouldn't lose like that. There's a bug." 3123 0 0 "Oh no! How'd I get suckered like that?" 3128 8 MACRO_NO_FAIR 3368 8 MACRO_NO_FAIR 86 7 MACRO_OKAY_BLOCK 4469 6 MACRO_OKAY_BLOCK 5954 8 MACRO_FAIR_WIN 6170 8 MACRO_FAIR_WIN 12488 3 MACRO_FAIR_WIN 4487 5 MACRO_OKAY_BLOCK 4982 6 MACRO_OKAY_BLOCK 13001 -1 MACRO_YAWN 11534 2 MACRO_MATTER 4703 3 MACRO_OKAY_BLOCK 4766 6 MACRO_NO_FAIR 5486 2 MACRO_OKAY_BLOCK 11318 6 MACRO_NO_FAIR 5189 2 MACRO_OKAY_BLOCK 5234 5 MACRO_OKAY_BLOCK 5450 3 MACRO_MATTER 11768 3 MACRO_MATTER 11021 6 0 "No immediate threats here for you." 12506 5 MACRO_OKAY_BLOCK 12722 3 MACRO_NO_FAIR 92 6 MACRO_OKAY_BLOCK 1553 3 MACRO_NO_FAIR 1577 5 MACRO_OKAY_BLOCK 1793 3 MACRO_NO_FAIR 3737 1 MACRO_OKAY_BLOCK 8111 3 MACRO_NO_FAIR 326 3 MACRO_OKAY_BLOCK 383 6 MACRO_NO_FAIR 389 6 MACRO_NO_FAIR 1109 2 MACRO_OKAY_BLOCK 12767 -1 MACRO_YAWN 2567 6 MACRO_NO_FAIR 6941 6 MACRO_NO_FAIR 6644 2 0 "I think I'm in trouble if I do this wrong." 15514 6 MACRO_OKAY_BLOCK #########################################note below here is if the kid goes first # we don't have anything for 0 because that is determined by what you've won 163 8 0 "Okay, let's try this!" 165 0 0 "I feel good about my chances." 13288 2 MACRO_NO_FAIR 13294 2 MACRO_NO_FAIR 13528 6 MACRO_MATTER # note: a block here would still lose 14989 2 MACRO_NO_FAIR 15013 7 MACRO_NO_FAIR 14995 7 MACRO_FAIR_WIN 17173 2 MACRO_FAIR_WIN 176 8 MACRO_NO_FAIR 194 8 MACRO_NO_FAIR 410 8 MACRO_NO_FAIR 896 8 MACRO_NO_FAIR 2354 8 MACRO_NO_FAIR 5 6 0 "A threat already!" 1472 3 MACRO_NO_FAIR 1490 4 0 "Yay, the center!" 1661 8 MACRO_FAIR_WIN # a block here would still lose 1895 8 MACRO_NO_FAIR 3839 8 MACRO_NO_FAIR # the below are very silly plays 1544 3 MACRO_NO_FAIR 1706 3 MACRO_NO_FAIR 3650 3 MACRO_NO_FAIR 8024 3 MACRO_NO_FAIR 11 8 0 "Let's try this." 13136 4 MACRO_NO_FAIR 13160 4 MACRO_NO_FAIR 13214 4 MACRO_NO_FAIR 13862 4 MACRO_NO_FAIR 83 8 0 "Ok, try this." 13208 7 0 "Block..." 17591 6 MACRO_NO_FAIR 17609 6 MACRO_NO_FAIR 17825 6 MACRO_NO_FAIR 18311 2 0 "Block..." 18356 2 MACRO_NO_FAIR 18572 3 MACRO_YAWN # 6 also works below 245 2 0 "Huh, random, let's see what happens..." 6563 6 0 "Huh, random, let's see what happens..." 8030 3 MACRO_NO_FAIR 8048 2 0 "Wow. Nobody's taken the center yet!" 8069 4 MACRO_FAIR_WIN 8147 1 MACRO_FAIR_WIN 8309 4 MACRO_NO_FAIR 10253 4 MACRO_NO_FAIR 8102 3 MACRO_NO_FAIR 8264 3 MACRO_NO_FAIR 7 6 0 "Gee, I dunno, here?" 1474 7 0 "Gee, I dunno, here?" 5875 8 MACRO_NO_FAIR 6091 8 MACRO_NO_FAIR 5929 8 MACRO_FAIR_WIN 12409 4 MACRO_FAIR_WIN 1492 4 0 "Gee, I dunno, here?" 1663 7 MACRO_FAIR_WIN 3841 2 MACRO_FAIR_WIN 1897 7 MACRO_NO_FAIR 8215 7 MACRO_NO_FAIR 1546 8 0 "Okay, gotta block..." 14677 7 MACRO_NO_FAIR 14695 7 MACRO_NO_FAIR 14911 7 MACRO_NO_FAIR 16855 5 0 "Nothing to block... no wrong choices, I hope..." 17350 3 0 "Nothing to block... no wrong choices, I hope..." 17368 2 MACRO_NO_FAIR 1708 4 0 "Gee, I dunno, here?" 1879 7 MACRO_FAIR_WIN 4057 7 MACRO_FAIR_WIN 8431 7 MACRO_NO_FAIR 3652 4 0 "I guess this is okay." 3823 5 0 "I guess this is okay." 4336 8 MACRO_YAWN 10870 3 MACRO_NO_FAIR 10375 2 MACRO_FAIR_WIN 8026 4 MACRO_FAIR_WIN 33 4 0 "This looks promising." 196 7 MACRO_NO_FAIR 204 7 MACRO_NO_FAIR 438 7 MACRO_NO_FAIR 924 7 MACRO_NO_FAIR 2382 0 0 "This looks promising." 2393 8 MACRO_FAIR_WIN 2627 8 MACRO_NO_FAIR 3113 8 MACRO_NO_FAIR 8945 2 MACRO_FAIR_WIN 6756 7 MACRO_NO_FAIR 87 0 0 "Ok, let's see what's next." 98 6 0 "Ok, block." 1583 5 0 "Ok, block." 4256 8 MACRO_YAWN 1799 3 MACRO_NO_FAIR 3743 3 MACRO_NO_FAIR 8117 3 MACRO_NO_FAIR 116 2 MACRO_NO_FAIR 332 2 MACRO_NO_FAIR 818 2 MACRO_NO_FAIR 2276 2 MACRO_NO_FAIR 6650 2 MACRO_NO_FAIR 735 4 0 "Take the center, okay." 898 7 MACRO_NO_FAIR 906 7 MACRO_NO_FAIR 3084 8 0 "OK, block." 16207 3 0 "OK, block." 16233 0 MACRO_NO_FAIR 16449 0 MACRO_NO_FAIR 7458 7 MACRO_NO_FAIR 2193 4 0 Center. 2356 3 0 "Why not here?" 2419 5 MACRO_NO_FAIR 2653 6 0 "Why not here?" 4120 8 MACRO_YAWN 10672 2 MACRO_YAWN 3139 5 MACRO_NO_FAIR 8971 6 0 "Block." 10438 5 MACRO_NO_FAIR #15 vs 27 could go either way ;